Amarok and musicbrainz

Mauro Grauso maurograuso at
Wed Nov 1 10:14:00 UTC 2006

Hi all.

I'm noticing a problem with Amarok lately. When right clicking a song,
edit track information, and clicking the "Fill-in tags using
musicbrainz", the app just hangs forever and the CPU usage goes to

The libraries are installed and my kibuntu is dist-upgraded.

If I run amarok from the commandline to check the stderror, when I try
to use the musicbrainz feature, amarok shoots the following message
forever on stdout:

amarok: Status is: 1

Installed version are the following:

Kubuntu 6.06
amarok 1.4.3-0u
amarok-engines 1.4.3-0u
amarok-xine 1.4.3-0u
libmusicbrainz4c2a 2.1.2-2ubuntu
kernel 2.6.15-27-386

Thanks for any feedback about this problem.


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