SCIM and other language characters -- documentation?

Peter Clark mla at
Wed May 31 15:32:05 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 31 May 2006 10:16, HG wrote:
> but using scim in gaim works fine on kubuntu (GAIM is gnome ?)
GTK, at least. It could be that GTK/GNOME is using a different font, too. 

> well there is a little problem : in ni hao ma ni is grey and the two
> others are black...你好马
    I see the first character as grey, the second as black, and the third is a 
dot using Vera Sans Mono in Kontact. Switching to Arial Unicode MS, I see all 
three characters. So there's your answer: switch to a font that supports more 
    The reasons the first character is grey is because it's heavily 
anti-aliased. Copy and paste the character is something like KWord, bump up 
the font size, and you'll see that it's black. If the grey bothers you, just 
increase your font size in whatever programs you're using, or switch to a 
font that's less hinted (but may be harder to read, I don't know).

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