Starting Banshee

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon May 29 21:48:34 UTC 2006

Although I use Amarok, I wnat to give Banshee a try. I installed with
apt-get, but when I try to start it I get this:
$ banshee

Unhandled Exception: DBus.DBusException: Unable to determine the
address of the message bus
in [0x0003e] (at /build/buildd/dbus-0.36.2/mono/Bus.cs:46)
DBus.Bus:GetBus (BusType busType)
in [0x00001] (at /build/buildd/dbus-0.36.2/mono/Bus.cs:23)
DBus.Bus:GetSessionBus ()
in [0x00007] (at
Banshee.DBusServer:.ctor ()
in [0x00016] (at
Banshee.Core:.ctor ()
in [0x0000b] (at
Banshee.Core:get_Instance ()
in [0x000ef] (at
Banshee.BansheeEntry:Main (System.String[] args)

Any idea as to what I must do? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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