Newbie's install questions -- first of all video -- Note on URL

Tez binary_y2k2 at
Tue May 16 01:40:30 UTC 2006

Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear Rebel:
> That certainly clears up a lot of things. Then could you please send
> me the exact URL where to download Kubunto from. I got it from the
> Kubuntu download site and downloaded it in Firefox with Fresh
> Downloads. Thank you so much.
> Benjamin
> Dear Rebel:
> Here is exactly where I download my "Kubuntu" (Debian) from. What went
> wrong?
> Thank you .
> Benjamin

There is only 1 CD for Kubuntu, I know Debian has tons of install CD's
but Kubuntu has 1.
If you downloaded Kubuntu (kubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso) and then
another CD image then
you were mixing Kubuntu and Debian installs. (Not what you want)

Just use the kubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso that's all you need.

Terence Simpson

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