
tommac tommac at
Mon May 15 15:04:33 UTC 2006

John DeCarlo wrote:
> On 5/12/06, tom mcdurmon <tommac at> wrote:
>> my hard drive looks like:
>> /dev/hda1 c drive        37.90gb
>> /dev/hda2 file ext3      35.73gb
>> /dev/hda3 extended     917.77 mb
>> /dev/hda5  linux swap   917.74 mb
>> I want to create a new partition on hda2 to split the drive into 2 equal
>> size
>> drives without losing data on the drive now. Can I do this?  How?
> tom,
> If I understand your question, /dev/hda2 is a separate physical 
> drive?  Are
> /dev/hda3 and hda5 on the same disk or the save disk as c drive?
> I suppose either way, to create 2 equal size drives from hda2 requires
> shrinking the hda2 partition and creating a new one (hda3? hda6?  
> Depends on
> disk configuration).  So hda2 would be approx 18 GB.
> The only way to do this without losing data is if you have less than 
> 18 GB
> of data on hda2.  Otherwise, shrinking the partition will cause you to 
> lose
> data.
> Does this answer your question?
John, thanks.
This does answer my question. After much trial and error I used gparted 
in the Ubuntu files. Worked great.

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