Random computer crashing

Mitchell Brown mbgb14 at gmail.com
Tue May 9 06:18:25 UTC 2006

Thanks, I'll try this - I just put in my ultimate boot cd now and it's
running memtest86. Then, after that, in the morning, I'll check out pc
health in the bios. I was in there earlier and tried loading both the
failsafe defaults and the optimized defaults - obviously, to no avail. And
yes, I did pull the case out yesterday to plug something in. Hmm. Maybe I
bumped something loose. I'll check into it!

Still though, mighty peculiar to be happening in one specific spot :S

On 5/9/06, Simon Edwards <simon at simonzone.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 May 2006 07:07, Mitchell Brown wrote:
> > Well, now, here I am at the machine, and all of a sudden, it croaks, and
> > dies again!
> It sounds like a hardware problem. The first thing I would do is run a
> memory
> check ( http://www.memtest86.com/ ) to make sure that all of the RAM is
> not
> faulty.
> And then I would then turn my attention to the power supply. Check the
> different voltages are correct (3.3v, 12v etc). You can usually look this
> up
> in the BIOS screen (under "PC Health"). If the voltages reported there
> differ
> by more than 5% from what they are meant to be, then you might have a
> problem. While you are there, it is also worth check the temperatures too.
> I had crashes on a machine last weekend. Turned out that the 3.3v was only
> running at ~2.75v, way below spec. I replaced the PSU. It is now good
> again.
> If you have been working on the machine, or have moved it recently, then
> you
> could also open the machine and re-seat the cards and connectors to make
> sure
> that they are correctly inserted.
> If you are still having problems, find some kind of stress test program
> (so
> that you can test and crash the mahcine quickly), and then remove cards
> and
> hardware until the machine is stable.
> cheers,
> --
> Simon Edwards | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
> simon at simonzone.com | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
> Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."
> --
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users

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