Stored passwords in Konqueror

Scott listboi at
Sat May 6 02:02:16 UTC 2006

On 05/05/2006 08:05 AM, * Michel D'HOOGE spake thusly:
> Hello
> I have 2 related questions on storing password in Konqueror.
> 1) Is it possible to configure konqueror to use the same password for a
> whole site and not for a given URL? Because each time I reach a site
> with a slightly different URL, I must re-enter my credentials.....

Not that I know of, but I'd love to see that feature added.  Opera is
the only browser I'm aware of with that feature. It will ask if you want
to save it "for this page, for entire domain, etc).

> 2) Is it possible to use more than one kdewallet in konqueror

Yes. Open wallet manager.  From the menu select."File" then "New Wallet".

> (besides the local one which I don't know when it is used BTW)?

Assuming you have it running, it would be used all the time, if you
configured it to do so when you first set it up.

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