rescue disk,etc.

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Mar 22 01:40:06 UTC 2006

Vayu wrote:

> I'm confused. You've given ways and reasons when it can work, then you
> finished with you "still wouldn't use sudo for a gui".  That seems to
> imply there are other reasons why you wouldn't use it for a gui.

Just the fact that it's been inconsistent.  Sometimes, it just absolutely
refuses to start the app (with "unable to open display..."-type messages). 
I used to think it was never able to start X apps, and was surprised to
find that it could.
> I've been using sudo kate all along.  I've not noticed any problems with
> it
> except that I can't close the konsole window until I'm done.  

I'm sure you could, if you use "screen".  It's just easier to use kdesu.  

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