Need to fix badly-mounted partition.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Mar 21 14:18:17 UTC 2006

On 3/20/06, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > Thanks. I have on that disk:
> > hda2: /
> > hda3: /home/user/pictures
> > hda5: swap
> > hda6: /home
> >
> > All except for hda3 are nessacary for booting. How do I know which
> > partition is 'bad'?
> I thought you said that it happened on your ~/music partition.  Is that a
> partition, or not?
> It's guaranteed that the reported problem is not on hda5, because a swap
> partition is not an ext2/ext3 partition.
> > And what does it mean to fsck a disk? I know that fsck is a partition
> > tool, but what is actually happening? Thanks.
> It's not, it's a File System ChecK tool (ie, it doesn't work on _partitions_
> it works on _file systems_ - which is why it does nothing on your swap
> partition).
> go to single user mode.  umount -a (which won't dismount /, but worry about
> that later).  Then, for each ext2/ext3 partition:
>  fsck -A -R -s -r -t ext2,ext3
> man fsck so that you understand all the options I gave you.  Once you're
> happy with the results of that:
>  mount / -o ro,remount
>  fsck -r /
> Then you should probably reboot, as the easiest way to get back to normal.
> --
> derek

Thanks, I'll do as you suggest, and I'll get back to you.

are all seperate partitions. I moved them around a bit just recently
because I erased my windows partition and I wanted to add space to a
partiton on the other hard drive. Now, my setup is like this:



I don't post the username because I think that will ease SSH attacks
on my box. So far, all the SSH attacks have been for usernames that do
not exist, and I'd like to keep it that way. Thank you very much for
the assistance.

Dotan Cohen

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