Launch helper from Thunderbird? - Was: Re: Cat Command

Gustav H Meyer gustav at
Thu Mar 16 07:37:19 UTC 2006


On 15/03/06 20:44, Brad De Vries wrote:
> man:/intro  (shows the intro manual page)
> man:/man  (shows the man manual page)
> man:/  (shows a list of manual sections as available links)
> This functionality is run through the Konqueror browser, so you can
> easily just type the command into any Konqueror session you currently
> have running.

While we're at it, how can I configure Thunderbird or Firefox to 
launch the KDE helper when I click on a man link?

<flameshield>I don't know how anybody can use Konquerer as a 
browser. One thing that probably puts me off the most is the strange 
set of keyboard shortcuts (or is it the lack of some 


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