rescue disk,etc.
john e
john.godzero at
Tue Mar 14 15:27:19 UTC 2006
kdesu is for gui programs eg: konqueror
sudo is for cli programs eg: apt-get
On 3/13/06, lordSauron <lordsauronthegreat at> wrote:
> On 3/13/06, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> > scott wrote:
> >
> > > Alfred Vidrio wrote:
> > >> The new old guy has 2 questions:
> > >> 1. Where can I get a good rescue disk for Kubuntu?
> > > I have never used any, but I did a quick search in synaptic and it came
> > > up with a program called mondo. It may be what you are looking for, I
> > > have never used it myself.
> >
> > Isn't the Kubuntu _install_ disk a rescue disk? (I came within a hair of
> > having to find that out today, when dist-upgrade left me with a completely
> > unusable system after trying to upgrade libc6-i686).
> Well, it'd be nice if I knew of one - Windows just murdered my boot
> partition, so I have to reinstall. If I ever find the lazy SOB that
> made the NTFS Filesystem I'l... let the Orcs have some "fun."
> this time though, Windows is not getting installed (hah! Stick that
> in your pipe and smoke it, Bill Gates - and Steve Ballmer, whichever
> one gets more ticked-off).
> > >> 2. What is the difference between kdesu and sudo command.
> >
> > > I read on the Ubuntu wiki that Kdesu is recommended for starting
> > > applications in super user mode because su is suppose to cause problems,
> >
> > su doesn't cause problems, but sudo is finer grained and logs its use.
> sudo
> > is just a "better" su.
> >
> > > "NEVER use sudo to start graphical programs. You should always use
> > > gksudo or kdesu to run such programs, otherwise new login attempts may
> > > fail..". You can find the rest of the text at
> > >
> >
> > kdesu is different - I've often found sudo completely incapable of
> starting
> > a graphical program. otoh, I'd never use kdesu to start a text-mode
> > program.
> Rather, KDESu is just for starting things like Konqueror as a
> super-user so you can do super-user things, since you can't really log
> into KDE as root.
> otherwise just use plain old sudo or su (if you're like me and have
> configured your root password).
> However, the big snag is that when you're using Gnome you MUST use gksudo.
> --
> ========== GCv3.12 ==========
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