rescue disk,etc.

lordSauron lordsauronthegreat at
Tue Mar 14 01:31:27 UTC 2006

On 3/13/06, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
> scott wrote:
> > Alfred Vidrio wrote:
> >> The new old guy has 2 questions:
> >> 1. Where can I get a good rescue disk for Kubuntu?
> > I have never used any, but I did a quick search in synaptic and it came
> > up with a program called mondo.  It may be what you are looking for, I
> > have never used it myself.
> Isn't the Kubuntu _install_ disk a rescue disk?  (I came within a hair of
> having to find that out today, when dist-upgrade left me with a completely
> unusable system after trying to upgrade libc6-i686).

Well, it'd be nice if I knew of one - Windows just murdered my boot
partition, so I have to reinstall.  If I ever find the lazy SOB that
made the NTFS Filesystem I'l...  let the Orcs have some "fun."

this time though, Windows is not getting installed (hah!  Stick that
in your pipe and smoke it, Bill Gates - and Steve Ballmer, whichever
one gets more ticked-off).

> >> 2. What is the difference between kdesu and sudo command.
> > I read on the Ubuntu wiki that Kdesu is recommended for starting
> > applications in super user mode because su is suppose to cause problems,
> su doesn't cause problems, but sudo is finer grained and logs its use. sudo
> is just a "better" su.
> > "NEVER use sudo to start graphical programs. You should always use
> > gksudo or kdesu to run such programs, otherwise new login attempts may
> > fail..".  You can find the rest of the text at
> >
> kdesu is different - I've often found sudo completely incapable of starting
> a graphical program.  otoh, I'd never use kdesu to start a text-mode
> program.

Rather, KDESu is just for starting things like Konqueror as a
super-user so you can do super-user things, since you can't really log
into KDE as root.

otherwise just use plain old sudo or su (if you're like me and have
configured your root password).

However, the big snag is that when you're using Gnome you MUST use gksudo.

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========= END GCv3.12 ========

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