further input required re. Konqueror

DonDashGuitar dondashguitar at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 23:54:56 UTC 2006

By now, several persons have offered commentary so I won't try to address
individuals (because I've deleted the posts and can't *grin*) so, hello all:

Ctrl+Shift+L does, in fact, give me a split screen in Konqueror and I can
log into my site via FTP but.......

When I split the screen, the second screen shows the same page.

There's only one tab on the split screen.  How do I control the two windows?
Can I, for example, direct the left pane to the local folder where updated
and/or new pages are stored?  Can I then drag-and-drop from one pane to the
other or must I use the "Copy to..." selection in the context menu?


Second topic:
I discovered that I could type additional information into a new file I
created and saved previously but was unable to save the file, using the same
file name, with the new information intact.   A little experimenting showed
me that I needed to set permissions of the new file in order to append
information to it.  I assume that is generally the case in Linux.

Is there a way to set permissions as a new file is being saved?

Thanks everyone,

Don Crowder

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