Vayu vayu at
Sun Mar 12 18:33:07 UTC 2006

On Sunday 12 March 2006 10:02, Vayu wrote:
> On Sunday 12 March 2006 03:43, Hamster wrote:
> > On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 18:26:14 -0800
> > jimbo <gredo at> wrote:
> > 
> > > I really don't see why everyone gets so bent about html mail, but 
> > > whatever.  it's off.  i hope i can somehow make up for my
> > > transgression.
> > 
> > Because it makes emails unnecessarily long and doesn't actually add
> > any value to them. Not everyone is sitting on broadband you know. 
> > 
> > It also really screws up mailing lists in digest format. 
> > 
> > Given the sheer volume of html spam, you'll find most people
> > automatically bin html email anyway.
> > 
> > Netiquette exists for a reason - get a clue and show some consideration
> > for other people.
> > 
> The poster you're describing as clueless and inconsiderate is using his own 
> time and postage to send someone in Malaysia a CD.  I find that aware and 
> considerate.
> I experience everything you describe as well, however before netiquette 
> etiquette and on top of that, reprimanding != educating.
> I agree with the content of your post. Assuming it's GPL, I've upgraded it 
> the next minor version:
> > > I really don't see why everyone gets so bent about html mail
> HTML makes emails unnecessarily long. It is particularly disruptive to those 
> without broadband. 
> It also really screws up mailing lists in digest format. 
> Given the sheer volume of html spam, you'll find some people
> automatically bin html email anyway.
> -- 



I forgot to add my smileys.  All above was totally tounge in cheek, upon 
reread I'm not sure it came across that way.  

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