I Stuck - Live CD Mounts Linux Swap

Harry Vorstenbosch h.vorstenbosch at zonnet.nl
Fri Mar 10 10:43:17 UTC 2006

Go for a swap partition on your hard disk of about two times your
internal memory as long as you have less then 512MB inside your system.
If your system contains more memory, you may use a swap file less or
equal at the amount of memory and with more then enough memory 1GB or
more you don't need a swap file at all.
Go for an USB swap memory only if you are booting and running your OS
directly from the or a Bootable CD.

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 22:31 -0800, lordSauron wrote:
> And for our next exhibit: low RAM.
> I disabled the swap by swapoff -a; however, then I go to resize my
> drive and I run out of memory.  I have a 128MB USB memory stick.  I
> know I can use that as a swapfile, but I don't know how.  Something
> about mkswap or something sounds logical, though I first tried swapon
> -v /UNIONFS/dev/sda1; which didn't work.  I don't know how.  (I was
> using Knoppix, BTW, so that's where the unionfs came into play).
> Help, please?  I was a good cookie and looked through manpages before
> coming here...  : )

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