I Stuck - Live CD Mounts Linux Swap

lordSauron lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 06:31:03 UTC 2006

And for our next exhibit: low RAM.

I disabled the swap by swapoff -a; however, then I go to resize my
drive and I run out of memory.  I have a 128MB USB memory stick.  I
know I can use that as a swapfile, but I don't know how.  Something
about mkswap or something sounds logical, though I first tried swapon
-v /UNIONFS/dev/sda1; which didn't work.  I don't know how.  (I was
using Knoppix, BTW, so that's where the unionfs came into play).

Help, please?  I was a good cookie and looked through manpages before
coming here...  : )

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