Router set up

scott sclewin at
Fri Mar 10 00:56:00 UTC 2006


    I tried your changes to the interfaces file and it looks like it 
works.  My computer booted up with the Internet working perfectly 
through my router, thank you.  I did the same for my laptop, I simply 
changed the eth0 to ath0 and it looks like it is working as well.

    Did you know you both helped me several times better than D-Link.  I 
sent the same question to them and the only response I got was, "we 
don't support Kubuntu (Linux)", even though the box says Linux :).  I 
know the average Linux user is much more computer literate than users of 
M$, but I hate it when companies expect every Linux user to know 
everything :).

Your friend,

"The most intelligent people in the world know they are not the most intelligent person"

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