dovecot, kmail & thunderbird

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Mar 6 20:06:55 UTC 2006

Jamon Camisso wrote:

> Art Alexion wrote:
>> Feeling kinda stupid here.  This is supposedly easy to use stuff.
>> Goal:
>>     To share mailboxes with kmail & Thunderbird.
>> Plan:
>>     To set up a local IMAP server using dovecot which fetches mail from
>>     3 POP servers, and access the IMAP folders with either kmail or
>>     Thunderbird.
>> Problem:
>>     I can't figure out how to configure dovecot or kmail and
>>     Thunderbird.  All of my Google searches seem to skip over the
>>     nitty-gritty details.
>>     Part of my problem is possibly the terminology.
> Do you have fetchmail or something configured to get your mail into
> the spool? I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I think that you
> need it to grab the messages from your POP servers and put them into
> your user mbox/maildir.
Again, confessing my ignorance, I have fetchmail as Kubuntu installs it
by default, but have never knowingly used nor configured it.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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