Evolution problem

Richard Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Thu Mar 2 23:17:08 UTC 2006

On Thursday 02 March 2006 14:42, Frank Arnold wrote:
> I posssted tthis request a few days ago and got
> no rresponse, so I aaam trying again.
> Frank
> I seem to remember some discussion of this previously
> but I can't find anything with Goggle.
> I am having a problem with supposedly live links
> in Evolution mail. They do not call either Konqueror
> or Firefox forcing me to cut and paste the links to activate
> them. Any leads to a fix would be greatly appreciated.

I assume that you're using KDE even though you're using Evolution.  This is 
the only suggestion I can come up with, and I don't know if it will work.

Got to the KDE menu, then go to Settings, then KDE components, then File 
Associations.  In the dialogue box that follows, click on the + next to 
"text", then click on "html".  To select a specific application to open html 
documents with, click on "Add..." and then select the program you want.

I hope that helps.

Richard S. Crawford (http://www.mossroot.com)
"That which does not kill me makes me stranger."
    -Llewellyn, from Ozy & Millie
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