KDE Volume Control Settings

Luka Renko 74.luka at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 10:39:10 UTC 2006

On 3/2/06, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
> When I raise and lower the systme volume by using the volume keys on
> my keyboard, I have these denominations of volume: 0%, 10%, 19%, 26%,
> 53%, 42% 51%, 58%, 64%, 71%, 80%, 87%, 93% and 100%
> I would like to adjust these denominations. 0% -> 10% is especially
> annoying. Where are these denominations stored? I thought of searching
> all files in ~/.kde for these magic numbers, but I know of no search
> function. If nobody knows where the denominations are, then how can I
> search all the files for files that may contain the numbers?

I think this is handled by KMilo which configures KMix volume levels.
I would suspect KMilo decides, but do not know how this is configured (if at
all possible).

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