doubt about installation in vmWare

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Thu Mar 2 08:33:21 UTC 2006

As far as I knew the kernel for linux was the first thing loaded and before 
anything else. It could be a prob with the download although you did check 

I had a queer download of breezy and hit something similar during install in 
my vmware (5.5), re-downloading the image worked. I guess the sure answer as 
to having a corrupt archive is to md5 sum it?

On Thursday 02 March 2006 01:49, Adeilson M Campos Jr wrote:
> hello guys
> I am trying to install kubuntu in vmWare and when the base system is being
> installed there is an error
> Is there something I must do in vmware or am I doing anything wrong?
> --
> Adeilson M. Campos Jr.

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