auto mount query

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Mon Jun 26 19:11:55 UTC 2006

Dave S wrote:
> Hi all,
> s it possible to plug in a USB mass storage device (ie a USB stick or camera) 
> and it generate an icon on the KDE desktop, mount it but NOT open a konq 
> window ?
> I have played around with controll centre system storage but I cannot get the 
> effect I want. I have delved into ivman but this appears to be overridden by 
> KDE - can anyone clarify ?
> Many thanks
> Dave

When you connect your usb stick it should open up a small window asking 
what you would like to do - Open a New Window or Do Nothing. There is 
also a check box to keep the behavior that you chose.

If in the past you have given a default behavior then you will have to 
find the KDE config file that controls it and change it back to the 
original default setting. You might even be able to find something in 





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