
Jacob Rideout ubuntu at
Sun Jun 25 03:23:02 UTC 2006

open synaptic or adept and search for ttf, you'll find many fonts in
the repos to install, it should cover most your needs. Also any of the
many free sites on the net that offer fonts  are installable in

On 6/24/06, Mark A. Taff <marktaff at> wrote:
> On Saturday 24 June 2006 12:07, Ron wrote:
> > Thanks for the help Mark, but how do you use the font installer?  I clicked
> > in administrator mode and put in my password and it shows a few fonts, but
> > how do I actually install those fonts?  Also, is there a place on the web
> > or, better yet, in the repositories to download more fonts?  Like the fonts
> > that I get in windows?  Sorry for all the questions.  I want to make my
> > wife happy or she will make me go back to windows, but I want to gradually
> > move away from windows and, hopefully, one day uninstall it altogether.
> > However, if I can't get my wife, who is really computer illiterate, to
> > learn to like and use Linux, I won't ever be able to do that :(
> I'm sure most/many of the F/OSS fonts are already installed.  You could google
> to find some more.  FYI, there is *no* difference between Windows and Linux
> True-type fonts.  So one could simply copy the fonts from your favorite MS
> Windows machine on floppy/zip/cdrom/dvd/flashkey/etc and install them with
> the font installer previously mentioned.
> Also, many printers come with a cdrom containing fonts, as do graphics
> software like corel draw, photoshop, etc.
> Most of the fonts I use I originally got with a free version of Corel draw
> that came with an ink-jet printer I bought about 8-9 years ago.
> HTH, ask more questions if it doesn't.
> Mark
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