
Mark A. Taff marktaff at
Sun Jun 25 03:12:20 UTC 2006

On Saturday 24 June 2006 12:07, Ron wrote:
> Thanks for the help Mark, but how do you use the font installer?  I clicked
> in administrator mode and put in my password and it shows a few fonts, but
> how do I actually install those fonts?  Also, is there a place on the web
> or, better yet, in the repositories to download more fonts?  Like the fonts
> that I get in windows?  Sorry for all the questions.  I want to make my
> wife happy or she will make me go back to windows, but I want to gradually
> move away from windows and, hopefully, one day uninstall it altogether. 
> However, if I can't get my wife, who is really computer illiterate, to
> learn to like and use Linux, I won't ever be able to do that :(

I'm sure most/many of the F/OSS fonts are already installed.  You could google 
to find some more.  FYI, there is *no* difference between Windows and Linux 
True-type fonts.  So one could simply copy the fonts from your favorite MS 
Windows machine on floppy/zip/cdrom/dvd/flashkey/etc and install them with 
the font installer previously mentioned.

Also, many printers come with a cdrom containing fonts, as do graphics 
software like corel draw, photoshop, etc.

Most of the fonts I use I originally got with a free version of Corel draw 
that came with an ink-jet printer I bought about 8-9 years ago.

HTH, ask more questions if it doesn't.


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