No Package Update?

Jonathan Patrick Davies jpatrickdavies at
Wed Jun 14 07:53:19 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 14 June 2006 04:52, alvonsius albert wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is this just me or anybody have the same feeling that there is no package
> update since last time (maybe around last week?) from the repository (at
> least for the main package)?

Dapper is released and frozen, thus no package updates, unless they go to 
dapper-updates / backports.

All new version's go to edgy.

> If this only me, then did the problem was 
> related to "apt-get clean" command I did few days ago? Did removing all the
> packages from your /var/cache/apt/archive will broke the relation between
> my current version of package with the new one from the repository?

That wouldn't affect it.

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