iomega sata rev drive

Cliff Pankonien cliff at
Sun Jun 4 18:27:37 UTC 2006

I recently bought an iomega sata rev drive for use as a relatively 
inexpensive backup solution for some of my more price-sensitive clients. 
I have been unable to mount the drive for use with native tools such as 
tar. (I have gotten the drive to work with an eval copy of Microlite 
EdgeBackup, but that costs $300.) According to Backup Edge the drive is 
mounted as /dev/sr0, but does not show up in /etc/fstab. This drive is 
apparently like a cdrom drive in that the filesytem type is udf. I have 
tried everything I can think of to mount the device so that I can do a 
simple "tar -cvf backup.tar /backupdir but am unable so far. Any ideas?



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