Can't play music after upgrade to dapper

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sat Jun 3 04:55:57 UTC 2006

ben darby wrote:
> On Friday 02 June 2006 15:52, Nigel Ridley wrote:
>>I upgraded my daughter's box from breezy to dapper and now I can't get
>>any music/sound.
>>Using xmms, everything looks like it is playing but no sound - yes I
>>have checked that the volume control is not muted.
> does the computer have more than one sound device? (ie. onboard + SB card or 
> something?) it may have defaulted back to onboard. KMix has the device name 
> in the bottom right hand corner

No, there is only one soundcard - an SBLive.
Strange thing is that if I click on the green mute button in Kmix (Mixer 
Window), I can hear a 'clicking' noise coming from the speakers. So it 
would seam that it is a KDE problem rather than a soundcard 
configuration one.

I will try adding a new user to the system (new KDE setings rather than 
upgraded ones) and see if that works. I need to wait until my daughter 
wakes up - it's still early morning here in Israel :-)





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