Playing .asx video files (via mms stream)

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat Jul 15 07:50:22 UTC 2006

On 15/07/06, Kelly L. Fulks <kfulks at> wrote:
> I now have some more info on this issue.  I too have been having a
> problem with a ASF stream and I just got it working.  Let me outline my
> experience and maybe it will help others.
> I use Kaffeine to play the stream and the video would be perfect but the
> audio was either non-existent or would burst out a noise occasionally.
> When the stream was playing if I selected Player->Track Information, the
> audio portion would say "Windows Media Audio v2 (ffmpeg)".
> I then when to Settings->xine Engine Parameters and then click on engine
> in the left scroll window and then click on the "Expert Options" tab.  I
> then scrolled down and set "decoder_priorities.ffmpegaudio" to -1.  Now
> when I select Player->Track Information, the audio portion says "Windows
> Media Audio v2 (win32)" and it works properly.
> I can't say that this will work in every case, but it certainly works
> for me on two separate machines.  I hope that it helps someone else.

Thanks, Kelly. I haven't yet gotten to the point where Kaffeine will
play the video, but when I do, if there are problems with the audio,
then I will try wha you suggest.

Dotan Cohen

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