Compiling C in KDE

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Jul 10 18:26:27 UTC 2006

Is there no C IDE in KDE that allows one to quickly write up a "Hello,
World!" program, and then compile and run it?

I'm learning C at the university, and there we have a choice of IDE's.
My favorite is Bloodshed's dev-cpp, but they all have the same
feature: You type in something like:
# include <stdio.h>

int main () {
    printf("\nHellow, world!\n");
    return 0;

And then the user can hit F9 (or shift-F9, or CTRL-F9, depending on
program), and the IDE compiles and runs the code in a window. I'm
looking for something similar for KDE, I've tried Kdevelop, Eclipe,
and Ajunta. Please tell me that I'm missing something, and that this
is not as difficult as it seems!

I've another day to turn in my C homework. I've either got to get this
working in the next hour or so, or I've got to go to the university
and punch out this assignment on a windows machine. And I'd rather do
it at home, on Kubuntu, thank you!

Dotan Cohen

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