ogg on ipod (was Mass convert MP3 to Ogg)

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Mon Jul 10 15:45:16 UTC 2006

On Friday 07 July 2006 00:46, James Gray wrote:
> Now you no longer have access to the original CDs and have to convert
> between formats.  So you end up with 80% of 80% which is 64% of the
> original (CD).  You end up with the worst of both worlds.  This is the
> nature of all lossy formats (JPEG/PNG is another case that use lossy
> "compression"[2]).

OK.  Related question.  I had a number of flac files that I burned to CD (as 
cdr), and then converted the flacs to oggs to save HD space.  I have since 
gotten an iPod that doesn't play ogg.  

I don't mind so much more loss if the ogg is converted to mp3 (or aac) for the 
ipod only, but don't want to replace the oggs on the hard drive.  Does anyone 
know of a plugin or something that will allow amarok or gtkpod to do this on 
the fly while uploading to the device?  Any other suggestions?  It would also 
be nice for flac files I still have.

Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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