Sendmail - need help - boot - filesystem readonly

Alexander Peters info at
Sat Jul 8 16:43:51 UTC 2006

Scott Kitterman schrieb:
> On Saturday 08 July 2006 12:08, Alexander Peters wrote:
>>>> No, i installed it today with scalix. thats the first time that i
>>>> install sendmail
>>> Then you probably need to talk to the people at scalix.
>> Thats not so right, i installed scalix and sendmail, because scalix
>> works with sendmail.
>> why shoudt i talk with scalix people.
> Perhaps I misunderstood.  When you said you installed it with Scalix, I 
> understood that to mean the installing Sendmail was part of installing 
> Scalix.  If so, then if you are installing Sendmail as part of a proprietary 
I think i wrote it wrong.
> system, you ought to deal with the vendor for that system.  There is no way 
> that we can know what they've done that might cause problems or change system 
> configurations.
> If you installed Sendmail separately, then nevermind.  
> What did you do to install Sendmail?  Was is sudo apt-get install sendmail?
yes i installed it with adapt
> Did you look at the permissions for those files yet?
filepermissions are ok. And when i login and say sendmail restart it
works. Only at startup comes this ugly messages.

Alexander Peters
> Scott K

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