Mass convert MP3 to Ogg

Joe Hart j.hart at
Fri Jul 7 14:05:16 UTC 2006

Scott wrote:
> Hi,
>    amaroK seem to crash after playing 2 to 3 Mp3 or .wma files, so I 
> want to convert my collection to Ogg.  amaroK seems to be more 
> dependable with ogg.  So, to do this I will need to convert all my 
> music.  Does anyone know a good way to do this?
There is a tool that is specifically made to do that, and surprisingly 
enough it is called mp32ogg.  You should find it in the universe repository.

Converting the songs to ogg will not increase the quality, but if your 
player doesn't crash doing it, and you don't have another device that 
you use, then by all means, do it.  Support the open source format!

Unfortunately, my mp3 player only supports mp3 and wma, so I can't do it 
myself, unless I want to convert them back again when I load them on my 
portable player.  I bought the thing long before I converted to Linux, 
and didn't know any better at the time.  My next one will surely support 

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