How to connect to internet without router?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Jul 3 17:14:25 UTC 2006

On Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:44 -0400, Scott Kitterman <kubuntu at> wrote:
> This isn't exactly an answer to your question, but it may be a solution to
> your original problem...
> IIRC,   your setup is something like:
> pc --> router --> modem* --> internet


> *I don't recall if you have DSL or cable, but I don't think it matters.


> In most setups, the modem will use NAT (network address translation) and
> DHCP to automatically assign a private IP address to whatever devices are
> assigned to it.  Your router will also probably use NAT/DHCP for devices
> connected to it.  So, from an address perspective the setup is:
> pc --> NAT --> NAT --> internet
> About the kindest thing you can say about NAT from a design perspective is
> that it's  useful hack.  Earlier this year I resolved some long standing
> packet loss problems I had be getting rid of this layered NAT architecture
> and just having one level of NAT.
> What I was able to do is put my cable modem in bridge mode and assigned a
> public IP address to my router.  Unless you have multiple public IP
> accounts, you won't be able to do it this way.  What you would need to try
> is setting your router up as a bridge so that the modem is the only
> DHCP/NAT running.
> Consult your router documentation or tech support on how to do this.

Even if the router has that ability, it's most likely handicapped. The
router has two telephone jacks for VOIP, and they're disabled so I
have another router for telephone (which itself has the ethernet port
and USB disabled). They really discourage routers here, such that if
you tell them in tech support that you have a router, most likely
they'll tell you that they don't support routers and they won't help
troubleshoot until the router is not part of system. (ie, modem and
windows computer ONLY). There are a few techs that'll talk around the
subject, but it's hit-or-miss and they certainly won't help with
anything directly related to the router.

In any case, is there no way for a Kubuntu machine to connect to the
internet via a standard external modem, be it cable or [a]DSL? Even
the ubuntu wiki is not helpful. How is [k]Ubuntu supposed to squash
bug #1 if it can't connect to the internet?

In a more productive tone, if anybody connects their Kubuntu machine
directly to the modem, I'd love to hear from them. As soon as I've the
necessary information I'll gladly update the docs myself.


Dotan Cohen

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