New Help Connecting to remote Printer

Ian Rose ian at
Mon Jul 3 06:57:39 UTC 2006

Ralph De Witt wrote:
> HI:
> I have to machines running Kubuntu 6.06. Both machines have local printers 
> that are connected and running on each machine correctly. What I am trying to 
> do is to connect machine 1 to machine2's printer. I am having no joy with 
> this. Both machine are on the same network connect to a cable router. It 
> seems like the machines do not see each other. This is a standard Kubuntu set 
> up. Can anyone help?
If I remember correctly I had to edit a line in one of the CUPS config 
files to get the server (ie the computer running the printer) to listen 
to print requests from other PC's on my network. I changed the first 
line of /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf to read:

listen *:631

This means that CUPS is available to everyone - but port 631 is blocked 
by my NAT router, so I haven't got round to worrying about the security 
implications of non-local connections. Also it may be that altering the 
/etc/cups/cups.d/browse.conf file to read "browsing on" might work 
(didn't for me!).

Remember to restart the CUPS server after changes ("sudo 
/etc/init.d/cupsys restart"), and add users to the "lp" group to allow 
them to initiate print jobs. I would imagine the reason that network 
printing doesn't work "out of the box" is because of security concerns 
(I don't think ANY listening daemons are enabled by default), but I've 
never found a simple (working!) GUI way of setting up network printing 
on Dapper.

Hopefully this helps - but this is based only on my tinkering 
experience, and NOT on any real understanding of the complexities of CUPS!


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