Problems with torrents in Kubuntu.

Rod Lovett rodlovett at
Sun Jul 2 04:40:59 UTC 2006

Kubuntu 32 6.06 LTS is a fine distro,
and uses my preference by far in desktops, democracy still at Ubuntu and 
hopefully, some equivalence in funding?
Still the GUI root login lack of democracy  though, but easily fixed in 
KDE, but not Gnome.
I have upgraded to KDE 3.53
Torrent problems:
1)installed Ktorrent has, despite configuration, snub problems persist, 
as it appears not to upload whilst downloading, and then after a while 
only is accepted by Ktorrent peers, ignored by the rest, a very slow 
downloading indeed.

2) Azureus installs and gives an icon, appears to start but disappears, 
both after apt-get and package manager installs.

3)Bittorrent installs, but gives no icon, and won't run as root or 'run' 

In Mepis, based on the rather solid engineering of Kubuntu, Azureus 
works fine.
Knoppix debian based, works fine with Azureus too.
Some sort of package or kernel bugs I suppose?

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