how to disable media:/ feature?

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Tue Jan 31 14:08:22 UTC 2006

Derek Broughton wrote:

>folders won't exist until the corresponding /dev node is created
>- ie, if you don't have a permanently attached floppy drive you won't
>always have a folder in /media.
>Do you have an entry for the floppy in /etc/fstab?  If so, I'd remove it...
My problem is related.  In my prior KDE (whatever Hoary came with), if I
inserted an audio or blank disk in the CD-ROM, an icon for it would
appear on the desktop -- nothing more -- nice.  Now with Breezy 3.4.3,
every time I insert an audio CD, Konqueror opens up with it -- a lot of
useless CPU cycles since 99.9% of the time, I just close it.  And every
time I insert a blank disk, Konqueror *tries* to open it, but just
displays an error.  Very annoying.  It is a "media:/" thing, too.  OTOH,
media:/ does nothing when I attach my USB storage in my Clie, i.e. when
I actually want it to.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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