
Tobi Vollebregt tobivollebregt at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 14:31:48 UTC 2006

Op woensdag 25 januari 2006 20:57, schreef Art Alexion:
> Is there a manual or something?  This looks like an interesting app, but
> all I can get it to do is pop up and look pretty.  When I type a few
> characters they appear momentarily, but no app name completion or
> anything.  Right arrow goes momentarily back to Katapult opening bubble,
> and then fades.  I have loaded all of the catalogs.

No, there's no manual yet. It's an application launcher.

I don't know why it doesn't work for you (did you try to type a few characters 
which were the start of an application's name, e.g. "k3" for k3b or "koff" 
for koffice?)

Are you using dapper or breezy?

If you're using dapper, does the calculator catalog work? Try "1+1" for 
example :-)

If something really does not work please file a bug in Malone [1].

Tobi Vollebregt

[1] http://www.launchpad.net/malone

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