Screen Resolution Question

polariscorp at polariscorp at
Thu Jan 19 11:56:52 UTC 2006

i had the same problem on my laptop, the issue was to 

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

and set the correct amount of video memory (and reboot)

you can also try when you are on KDE to CTRL ALT and + to see if another resolution is possible

polariscorp at
19/01/2006 - 12:54:10

======= ebarsic at - 19/01/2006 12:33:30 =======

>>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
>>should re-configure your card to something better.
>Hmm,  I tried it...  dpkg-reconfigure properly recognizes my video 
>card <ATI Radeon 7000>, my monitor <Daewoo 707B 17"> and allows me to 
>state that I want to use 1280x1024 as one of my resolution options.
>However, I reboot, log back into the machine and KDE...and it's still 
>at 640x480 and no other options available through the Desktop Manager widget.
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