Amarok dead

tudza tudza at
Tue Jan 17 05:23:01 UTC 2006

While I was waiting for a response from the group I decided to go to the Amarok site and look around.  From there I got the information on the update and that did indeed solve the problem.

Instead of the usual command line items given, I used the Adept package manager, but that's about the only variation.

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: James Gray <james at>
>  Subject: Re: Amarok dead
>  Sent: 16 Jan '06 22:45
>  On Tuesday 17 January 2006 00:03, tudza wrote:
>  > I don't use it everyday, so I don't know if it is because of a recent
>  > update done through Adept or because I installed Tor software to run a
>  > Tor server.
>  >
>  > Every time I launch Amarok now it offers to send an email about it's crash.
>  >
>  > Suggestions? (besides "use xmms" which is what I'm doing at the moment)
>  I had all sorts of problems with the version of Amarok that comes with Breezy.  
>  Install the latest version by adding the following lines
>  to /etc/apt/sources.list:
>  # Amarok
>  deb breezy main
>  Then:
>  sudo apt-get update
>  sudo apt-get -u upgrade
>  That should install Amarok 1.3.7.  Amarok 1.3.8 was released yesterday, but it
>  hasn't been packaged for Breezy yet...give it a few days (or so).
>  Cheers,
>  James
>  --
>  Language is a virus from another planet.
>  -- William Burroughs

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