Kubuntu and ADSL?

Ian M. Stewart ims at uku.co.uk
Tue Jan 10 18:25:07 UTC 2006

Patrick Trettenbrein wrote:

>Am Montag, 9. Januar 2006 01:44 schrieb Old Rocker:
>>HOWEVER, whatever you do, don't try to configure a Speedtouch modem.
>>There may be successful users in Ubuntu but I gave up with it.  The
>>Speedtouch connects into your USB socket on your PC.  Much easier to
>>have a network card installed and connect via a network cable.
>I've got a Speedtouch Modem here in fact, but it's an ethernet modem (I've 
>chosen the ethernet model because I thought it's more Linux compatible). As I 
>can see here in YaST I'm using (translated from German) the "tunnel protocoll 
>for point-to-point". Is it possible to set up the modem, or does only PPPoE 
>work with Kubuntu?
Hi Patrick,

I connect here with an Alcatel Speedtouch 330 USB Modem (well it was 
FREE from the ISP!).  I succeeded in making connection in Warty and  
Hoary Ubuntu, and then recently in Kubuntu Breezy from a fresh start.  
All the secrets for this are revealed at


My notes on the last install show I had trouble with gcc and make, as 
these were not part of the standard install, and I had to enter the IP 
addresses manually, obtained from using the modem under WinXP.
I see no reason why an ethernet version of the modem should be any 
different, but YMMV.  Good luck.


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