Konqueror- is there a way to restore normal functionality?
Eddie Torres
veloct at veloct.net
Mon Jan 9 23:35:10 UTC 2006
Andrew Otte wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jan 2006 03:56 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
>> I am pretty new to Ubuntu, but not to linux, I am in my 6th year, and 3rd
>> distribution (Red Hat, Mandriva).
>> I have been a KDE user all the time, and watched it grow from something
>> equal to Gnome, to something IMHO that far surpasses it.
>> But I am seeing under Ubuntu, that my choices are now much more limited:
>> I want my Home Icon back on the tool bar.
>> In Konq File Manager, I want the toolbars the way KDE designed them.
>> And when I click the Konq button I want Konq the Web-browser, not Ubuntu's
>> version.
>> I am seeing that this may take some doing, as Ubuntu took away the ability
>> to easily edit a Konq profile.
>> Any tips, thoughts or similar moans?
> Yeah - from the faq at http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror
> sudo rm - r /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps/konqueror
> sudo cp /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror-orig.rc /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror.rc
> This gets all the default konq profiles back
Not so difficult, eh?
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