KDE 3.5 upgrade packages broken issue

A. Clark ajclark at dhbit.ca
Fri Jan 6 01:08:17 UTC 2006


Did my first install of kubuntu yesterday, and today found that all did 
not go well with the kde 3.5 upgrade (as others have reported...).

The area that I had problems with was with everything relating to 
kdepim.  Turns out that you have to have the breezy universe component 
enabled in the repositories, otherwise libgnokii2, which is depended 
upon by kaddressbook, will not be found and installed.

What's kind of disappointing is that Adept can't provide this 
information... maybe it's too young yet, I'm not sure... but rather than 
telling me something's simply "broken", a simple why would probably 
help many out (including providing information for the 
developers/packagers) in these situations.  *shrug*

kpackage, while not being much brainier, did provide me with the info. 
after probing around a bit.  (And I'm sure if I was real familiar with 
dpkg and/or the apt utilities I'd have been able to find it easier 

Anyhow, thought I'd get this info. out in a public place...


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