breezy gzip & azureus

Eddie Torres veloct at
Mon Jan 2 16:30:46 UTC 2006

Doug Holland wrote:
> On Sunday 01 January 2006 08:17, Art Alexion wrote:
>> Upgrading to breezy seems to have broken Azureus.  Takes much longer to
>> load the program, and all of my uploading torrents seem to have problems
>> with the gzip headers. (Apt reports that gzip is installed ok.)  My
>> downloading torrents just sit there "waiting".
> I've been having problems with Azureus myself.  Loads very slowly, window 
> doesn't resize correctly, lots of strange error messages.  I'm thinking it's 
> a problem with Java.  I tried reinstalling and upgrading Sun's J2SDK, but I'm 
> thinking it's still trying to use old Java libraries.  I haven't figured out 
> how to fix it yet...
This is the command to setup the java version.

sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/bin/java (if using j2re1.5)

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