Kontact questions

Rashid ul Islam rashid786 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 22:22:33 UTC 2006

You can make Kontact run in the system tray. Right click on the K Menu icon
and select menu editor. Find Kontact (its under Office) click on it and
check the system tray box.

About the default resources...id like to know too!

I tried to use the todo list feature but everytime i logged in and out most
of my todos would disappear, leaving one or two, duplicated.

I figured it was some sort of clash between the Todo kpart and the calendar
Kpart? Thats why theres two default resources? I dunno how to fix it
though...i just gave up trying to use Kontact/korganizer. Seems like a nice
app but till its fixed and stable and usable I'll stick with...well, staying
unorganised :P (I _really_  need to get that essay done :( not to mention...
EXAMS :'( )

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