installing software to places like /usr/local

Renaud (Ron) Olgiati renaud at
Sat Dec 16 11:06:20 UTC 2006

On Saturday 16 December 2006 07:58, my mailbox was graced by a missive
 from "Robert Parker" <rlp1938 at> who wrote:

> > Convention seems to suggest that I should have used something like
> > /opt/bin   which I told the java install bin to use. Not sure if I had
> > to create the directory first though.

> The procedure I use for 3rd party non-packaged software is to install to
> /opt/<supplier name>/bin.
> After that, rather than clutter up my $PATH with many entries, I put a
> symlink in /usr/local/bin to the executeable.

I use a similar procedure, but to avoid the overwriting of /opt when 
installing a new OS I have a /home/opt dir on my /home disk; and my /opt is a 
link to /home/opt
                     It is impossible to defend perfectly
                 against the attack of those who want to die.
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