update available or not?

Tez binary_y2k2 at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Dec 15 10:59:22 UTC 2006

Hervé Fache wrote:
> On 12/14/06, D. R. Evans <doc.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is obviously sime fundamental difference that I don't understand
>> between apt and RPM-based systems. I had kept my system scrupulously
>> up to date by using synaptic to install every update as identified by
>> adept-updater.
>> I thought that that meant that my system was current and that "apt-get
>> dist-upgrade" would be a no-op. But it certainly wasn't, and my music
>> is now happily playing under amarok 1.4.4.
> There is something weird here: my understanding is that adept_updater
> uses dist-upgrade. But you also mention synaptic...
> Do you not install the updates directly from adept_updater then?
> Why use Synaptic in a Kubuntu system, where the default tool is adept_manager?
> Hervé.
I don't use adept, but I know it has something called "full update", or
something to that effect, which is a dist-upgrade.
However, I find synaptic just easier and more powerful. Like viewing
changelogs before you download the update, hold packages, force versions
Synaptic also has a update-notifier, which is, IMHO, just better, at
least for me.
Plus you can install Java with synaptic without it failing.

But, as with anything else in open source, what you use is up to you.


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