Bry Melvin
brymelvin at
Sat Dec 9 02:36:23 UTC 2006
--- Liz Young <kandew at> wrote:
> On Friday 08 December 2006 07:40, Bry Melvin wrote:
> > Just a thought here: That site is a US govt
> sponsored
> ? I don't know what Argonne is and what your
> computer was updating so
> often without more info. Post a new thread with
> some traffic details
> if you think it's a problem.
> -Liz
> -- m
FWIW the facility that us.archive connects to does not
belong to a University. It belongs to Argonne National
Labratory. this facility belongs to the US. A
University is paid to run it and the various research
projects, After all that is how Doctoral students get
their research.
Look at the IP address you are accessing in the
firewall connections. Do a who is invariably connects to Argonne
National Labaratory,, at least here.
The fact that it's at a National Libarary shouldn't
surprise anyone. Lawerence Livermore contributed
programs in the early Linux years. (Remeber Xdir)
The Internet Core was derived from Arpanet/Milnet
servers A system connecting these Labratories and
Universities with the DOD.
I checked: cddb was not the culprit. Back in my Breezy
computer for some Obscure reason KAudiocdcreator was
attaching and connecting to the ubuntu archive. It was
connecting for several minutes at full dialup
I never got an answer from anyone why so I dlocked
that IP address and changed the repository
I never got a good answer anywhere as to why, although
I did ask. The only response I got WAS from Argonne,
and they verified that My network HAD accessed the
archive at that time.
Sorry for the interest in that but as a retired
military person I am curious when Civilian computers
start accessing National Labratories.
And no it wasn't cddb: it wasn't the updater.
The effect was repeatable and predictable. When
KAudiocdcreator was started the computer would
immediately contact the same IP. When cddb was
connected it went to a different IP address.
My point was this KDE app for some reason contacted
the archive every start, and if OTHER KDE apps do the
there would probably be unneccesary traffic.
Bryann Melvin
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