Kubuntu - some first thoughts

Scott Mazur kubuntulists at littlefish.ca
Thu Dec 7 16:35:41 UTC 2006

On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 16:15:35 +0000, Neil Winchurst wrote
> K Menu > System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard. You will see 
> 'Numlock on KDE Startup'. Choose 'Turn on'.

That's all well and good, but what's up with choose 'Leave Unchanged'.  This
should be the default.  For those with numeric keypads on the keyboard, the
numlock key should be the first place to go to when it's set incorrectly.

Kubuntu is the first distro I've tried that can't return the keyboard numlock
key to it's previous state without specifically setting it to either 'turn on'
or 'turn off'.


Registered Linux user #395249, http://counter.li.org
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