Kubuntu for Windows users - alternate install

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 07:20:00 UTC 2006

Morning (here at least),

I would recommend you use the Alternate CD for install if you need/want 
to repartition. The LiveCD I have always encountered problems with when 
it loads the partitioner but never with the Alternate CD.

As for Scan/check disk in XP; Open My Computer, right-click on the disk 
in question. Choose "Properties" and under the tab "Tools" you  find 
"Check now". You will have to reboot to get it done.

Defrag; run the Defrag several times after each other as it takes about 
3 times before XP "gets it right".

Good luck,

marcus wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 August 2006 15:59, Ron Morse wrote:
>> ac wrote:
>>> For windows, also do a good scandisk and maybe
>>> defrag too, first.
>> No maybe about it. Both actions are highly recommended
> How do you run scandisk on XP?
> I have never used it on my old W2K, never had XP myself, but I'm explaining 
> this to other people. Defrag is via drive properties, I know.
> Thanks, I hadn't thought of that because I've always pre-created partitions 
> myself before installing Linux, and I've never resized a Windows partition.
> I'll add scandisk and defrag to the to-do list.
> Marcus

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