GPG Keys

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Fri Aug 18 01:56:29 UTC 2006

When I run:
lchata at ubuntu:/etc/apt$ sudo gpg --keyserver --recv 33BAC1B3
gpg: WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on
configuration file `/home/lchata/.gnupg/gpg.conf'
gpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe
options file permissions
gpg: keyserver communications error: general error
gpg: keyserver receive failed: general error
lchata at ubuntu:/etc/apt$ 

If I uderstand the message, it says that my home dir
is unsafe and should be owned by not me??? Never seen
this before using the command. Can somene explain this
to me and tell me how to fix so I can activate the


Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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